Event gathers organisations and initiatives of the Call for Girls that Go Above and Beyond to present learnings from the programme
The project supported by the British Council completed its first year and black leaders were able to share experiences at a meeting held in São Paulo
With the objective of involving and stimulating six organisations selected by the “Girls that go above and beyond” Call, the British Council, as part of the UK-Brazil Skills for Prosperity programme, held a series of three meetings (between October 2022 and March 2023) to share good practices, challenges, risks, opportunities and new ideas. The events were created through collaborative methodology and a co-created agenda.
The objective of the call was to encourage the approach of gender and race issues with black girls and public-school students in the eighth and ninth grade of elementary school and, in so doing, help them to make conscious choices for their personal lives and professional futures.
On 14 March 2023, the closing event took place, this time hosted at Casa Preta Hub in São Paulo. Throughout the day, the organisations discussed the learning outcomes provided by the projects developed during the Call and shared their perspectives for the future. The activities contributed to providing an extra space for exchange, strength and learning for the network of black women and organisation leaders.
The first part was dedicated to the presentation of the contemplated projects. Reports showed different ways of working on issues such as identity and self-esteem, potential, self-care, appreciation of culture, acquisition of knowledge and skills, possibilities for developing a career, human rights and mental health. Many inspiring stories came out. The knowledge exchanged between the organisations included:
- Chemistry formulae taught through traditional candomblé embroidery or working with the Dendê palm fruit, and mathematical concepts transmitted by working with nagô braids, from the “Investiga Menina!” project;
- Discussion between girls and black women about work, feelings and education, or even relaxation and self-care with the practice of yoga, in “Papo de Menina” (Girl chat);
- The experiences in conversation circles about important content chosen by the teenagers from “Minas Negras” (“Black girls”);
- Comments on seminars and conversations on important topics in the community, such as the issue of water or mental health, from “Franciscas, Marias e a Dandaras”;
- The formation of a network between girls and between family members; how to exercise citizen participation developed in the “Elas na Escola” (Girls at School) project.
Combating school dropout with learning and practice of educommunication, created in the project “Black Girls Go Beyond”.
Debate and reflection
The second part was carried out, after requests from the representatives of the NGOs, by Amarilis Costa, lawyer, human rights and black awareness activist, university professor and researcher. The second part of the meeting shed light on the needs and difficulties raised by the participants in carrying out the projects.
“Each organisation’s experience is very particular, and they develop differently. Some need funding for specific projects while others have the challenge of being in the environment and building the project. There are those who already have previous experience and depth. This exchange is important”, summarised Amarilis.
To create a moment of dialogue, a “Context Map” was proposed — a way of thinking about the reality of each organisation and expand until reaching the macros in the country, society and economy, and how organisations are positioned within these contexts.
“The Map’s design is very similar to the effect of a pebble thrown into a lake. It creates a closer ripple and then reverberates over and over again. Depending on how hard the stone hits the water, we create a wave almost the size of the river. So, the idea of the map is to have the pebble that hits the middle of the water and to reflect in each wave of our context and our conjuncture”, explains Amarilis.
In the afternoon, Amarilis ran a mini workshop. The experience included important concepts such as advocacy, governance, management, transparency and sustainability, without losing touch with reality and the challenges brought about by structural racism in the country.
The participants discussed topics raised in the Context Map in-depth. Together, they traced possible ways of developing actions for their organisations, improving project management and design scenarios for the future. A collective and powerful construction of women who go above and beyond.
São Paulo event
Olinda event
Black activist, Amanda Costa, is the special guest to talk to the six girls and women who go above beyond and are inspirations on education, science, communication, quilombola territory, technology and mental health. Each episode tells a story of struggle and shares these women’s challenges and achievements. Listen in your favourite player and share!
The various topics that permeated the Call and the development of the projects gave rise to fundamental reflections for debates and connections, whether with the participating organisations, or with girls and women, and the entire civil society. Read and understand the challenges and learnings encountered by NGOs when implementing gender and race projects for girls in the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school. Creole pedagogy, politics, democracy and self-esteem are some topics to reflect on and go beyond.